
A - Z Wholesale Course


A - Z Wholesale Course


Welcome! This is my A - Z Wholesale Course! One of my most anticipated courses! Here you will learn how to wholesale real estate nationwide from the comfort of your home to generate 5 - 15K a month! Sound amazing? Well it is.


You will receive 5 lessons. 1. Finding Properties 2. Finding Owners 3. Communication & Negotiation 4. Finding Investors 5. Closing The Deal. Collectively, each lesson is a step by step guide in becoming a master wholesaler. Keep in mind that you do not need any license or schooling to wholesale real estate, just a will and some communication skills. ( which is also taught in the course. ) Wholesaling is how I made my first 100K and it can make yours too!

Finding Properties
Finding Owners
Communication & Negotiation
Finding Investors
Closing the Deal
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